The past week has been quite possibly the most gossip-ridden week for the cast of the Twilight saga. I guess with the success of Twilight at the MTV Movie Awards and the fact that the ratings were so high, the mainstream and gossip media has caught on--this is a big money-maker, because we, as a community of fans, are effing crazy. Not all of us are crazy, but with things like this haunting the interwebs, it's no wonder that people think we are coo-coo for Cullen-puffs. I'll admit, when I was watching the New Moon trailer, I shushed everyone in the room, and there might have been some toe-wiggling going on, but at least I had the sense not to record it and put it on YouTube for the rest of the world to see (and mock). No offense, Nuttymadam3575. Anyway, I'll talk about the real news first, then I will get to the gossip. Not a whole lot of news. They are done filming the movie and it is in post-production. They are supposed to start filming Eclipse in August. Kristen will be on the cover of Allure's November issue and here are a couple of pictures from the photo shoot: 

Gorgeous, right? Oh, btw, Kristen got a lot of shit for wearing chucks at the MTV Movie Awards. I don't know why people are just commenting on this now-is it just me, or do I think of that as one of her style signatures? Does anybody remember the Prom Scene in Twilight or the Vanity Fair shoot? Anyway, apparently KStew sprained her ankle in Italy. That's why she wore the chucks and that's why she has the awkward set-up with her boots during the photo shoots. Perhaps the sprained ankle is from running through the fountain? I do remember hearing reports of her refusing the use of a stunt double. Poor baby. But Kudos, KStew. Or rather, Kadooze.
Sorry for that trip to Crazytown. We will now return to your regularly scheduled New Moon coverage. Taylor Lautner also had a photo shoot this week.
Oh, Taylor? Neo called, he wants his jacket back. J/K.
In other Twilight Saga cast news? There is going to be an Alaska Twilight Cruise & Convention at Sea for Twilight Fans in the summer of 2010. Ashley Greene and Kellan Lutz are scheduled to attend. I do love cruises, and I love Twilight, but something tells me this cruise might resemble the NKOTB cruise. And I think I might have thrown myself overboard if I had to be on that boat for more than 8 hours. Not that I dislike NKOTB-on the contrary, I really enjoy them. But large groups of fans tend to annoy me, even if I'm one of the them. Much as I love Ashley and Kellan, I think I might wait to meet then at an event on land.
Final piece of legit news: casting announcement for Remember Me, the movie that Rob is filming this summer. Emilie de Ravin (aka Claire from Lost) will be playing Ally, the love interest of Tyler, Rob's character.
Tyler's dad will be played by Pierce Brosnan and Lena Olin is in negotiations to play his mom. Chris Cooper will play Ally's dad. A summary of the plot has been given to the press, and unless they have completely changed a particular part of the script, the summary is kind of misleading. A version of the script has leaked and I read it. I have no self control when it comes to these things. Suffice it to say, it sounds fairly close to the summary except for one major detail. I'll leave it at that.
The missing piece? Tyler's friend Aidan has not yet been cast. Either that or they just haven't announced it yet. I'm hoping these pics from yesterday of Rob out in NYC with Tom Stud are an indication of good news to come. That would make my life. I would be even more excited about this movie, which I'm already looking forward to a ridiculous amount. 

I love Tom's shoes. And I love that they dress alike when they are together and wear each other's clothes when they are apart. Ten bucks says Rob will be wearing that Eddie Money shirt sometime in the next 3 months.
Anyway, on to the gossip! You might have heard some rumblings about Rob and Kristen being an item. And you might have seen some stories about them staying in a bungalow together in the ultra-hip Charlie Hotel in Los Angeles (check out the pics here and the video here). While nothing has been confirmed or denied by either Rob or Kristen's camps, people are going apeshit. The fandom is currently exploding, many livejournal communities are currently located in the 9th circle of hell, and if you notice your internet breaking anytime in the next few weeks, you probably have Twilighters to blame. For some reason, this is an issue of contention amongst the fans. There are people who claim to know that Rob and Kristen are sleeping together "but he's just not that into her". There are even people who claim that Rob and Kristen are engaged. And there are some people who just don't care. Not every Twilighter feels so strongly either way. My feelings? Well, those of you who have read my blogs or know me know that I think that they would be an adorable couple. And sometimes I act like a ridiculous shipper. But deep down, I'm really just a fan of Rob Pattinson and a fan of Kristen Stewart, and a lot of my shipper comments are only in jest. I realize that as far as we know at this point, it's possible that Kristen is still with Michael Angarano. And that's cool. I actually like Michael (how could I not like him when he played Elliot, Jack's son on Will & Grace?). It seems like Michael has been out of the spotlight a lot lately, and that makes it seem like Michael and Kristen may no longer be together. But we don't know anything. So at this point, it is all speculation. If Kristen and Rob are together, than that's great-they both have been quite smiley lately.
If they are happy, we as fans should be happy for them. We shouldn't try and pretend to know what their feelings are or what motivation they might have for being together. And we shouldn't trust the rumors that are planted on the interwebs by people who aren't fans of either. Can you imagine how Rob and Kristen are feeling right now? No wonder Rob has been MIA for most of the past week.Have a great New Moon Monday! Good luck avoiding the ridiculous gossip.
Love,Elle Bunny
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