So, my stupid office decided to have our costume day today. Halloween is tomorrow. Don't ask me why, I don't make the rules. Anyway, in mere minutes, they will be judging each team's costumes. At my office, we are all split into teams organized by shift (we are a 24 hour call center) and have team supervisors. So recently, my team got a new T.S. And I guess he's okay. He's really young and kind of weird and he's one of those people who stares at you too much when you're talking and it makes me really uncomfortable. I'm constantly checking the tiny mirror I have at work to make sure I don't have food in my teeth or eye makeup running down my face. Anywho, our fearless leader who shall remain nameless came up with the idea that our team should dress up as an interpretive chess set. Now, I've never played chess. It's one of those things I've happily managed to avoid like Spam, the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Twinkies and the tragedy that was/is the high waisted jeans fad. But I'm sure you're asking yourself WTF a interpretive chess set is. Well, let me tell you. It's when you dress up like the title of the chess piece--for instance, my weirdo boss is a bishop.
He dressed up like a bishop from the catholic church. A team member we will call Ethan is dressed up as a pawn shop owner, with his desk decorated like a pawn shop. And what did I, Elle Bunny come dressed as? They tell me their is a queen piece, so I came as Queen Elizabeth. But I'm not really dressed as Queen Elizabeth.
That's just my name and I'm wearing a cheap tiara. And I bought some lace gloves and am wearing my houndstooth pea coat and my fake pearl earring and choker. I want to look classy after all. Anyway, I'm just not one of these people who go all out--at least not at work. I think maybe I'm afraid of appearing too enthusiastic. And I happen to notice that most of the people who go all out are in positions of power in my office. The question I ask myself is are these people just trying to set a good example for the underlings or are the freaks the one who get promoted? Does this mean I'm supposed to freak out as well in an attempt to make more money? I'm not sure I'm up to it.
What is it about Halloween that makes us girls dress up like such skanks? We definitely let our freak flag fly.
I dare you to find a cute store-bought costume for a grown woman that would ever be deemed socially acceptable outside the walls of a strip club on any other day of the year.
In other news, Mr. Bunny and I early voted yesterday. It makes me feel all patriotic to vote and it took me very little time--if you live in Texas, you can early vote through tomorrow.
Do it! It's so easy--much easier than it will be on Tuesday. And I don't want to get all preachy, but it is important to vote-I'm not telling you who I think you should vote for, just that I think you should vote because the president should be elected as a true reflection of the country and it's values. It is especially important as young people that we vote because it is our future (economic and otherwise) that is hanging in the balance. And I know you were wondering,
Where's Rob?
Well, I'm glad you asked. He's in Rome with his soulmate Kristen Stewart and director Catherine Hardwicke.
They are at the Rome International Film Festival discussing Twilight. 
Kristen, is that Rob's infamous leather jacket that you're wearing? And BTW, your legs look absolutely fabulous! Poor Rob looks tired. He needs to take a break and sleep.
You can actually view the session with Rob, Kristen and Catherine [here!]
I wish I was there. Rome sounds fun. And I bet RPattz and KStew are eating yummy food while they are there. I hope the romantic city makes them fall hopelessly in love with each other.
Have a great day!
And remember to let your freak flag fly this Halloween!
Elle Bunny
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