But I think life would be a lot better if we would all take time to stop and smell the roses. And I know that is hard to do when all you can think of is how screwed up your life has become, but there is always something good to think about. Trust me, I've been there when it comes to the whole cancer thing. And I'm worried about the wrong person winning and making things even worse for our country. And I'm incredibly concerned about our nation's economy, even though I don't understand much of what's going on.
I just think the world would be a much nicer place to be if people would be nicer to each other. And I think that happens when we stop thinking so much about how we are affected by something and start thinking about how what we do affects each other. I also think we could all gain a lot from listening to each other instead of attacking each other. We are so quick to blame others who oftentimes may even help us if we listen to their point. I think sometimes we are so mad at ourselves for what we consider our own ignorance or stupidity that we take it out on each other.
Lately everyone who calls me at work seems on edge. I have had 8 people be rude/yell at me already today and I haven't even had lunch. Many times, they don't even listen to what I have to say before beginning their tirade. Yesterday was the beginning of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. People are in a tizzy to get their brochures and pamphlets . They are so mad that we can't them to them sooner than 7-10 days. Did it ever occur to these people that they are getting these materials for free? And I'm sorry if they are disappointed that we don't have little pink ribbons pre-made for free that they can get at the local office--but is that really what they want us to spend their donations on? Pieces of ribbon? I think their money is much better spent on Early Detection and Prevention brochures, booklets for newly diagnosed patients, gas cards for patients who are having a hard time getting to their radiation appointments.
I apologize for complaining, but I'm tired of BCAM (I'm on day 2). I understand it is important and that it effects millions of women. And I'm happy to report that it is one of the most curable forms of cancer when it is found early, so go out and get your mammograms, ladies! But I think it is sad that so many other forms of cancer, many of which are very common, do not get the same attention or research funding. I speak with women all the time who tell me they always got their mammograms, but they didn't have any idea to look for X,Y & Z as signs and symptoms of X type of cancer. Unfortunately, I also get screamed at by a lot of people who have other forms of cancer and are mad that Breast Cancer is all anyone talks about in the media. I don't know what to tell them.
I'm done ranting. And I have nothing but love for everyone (even those stinkers who keep calling and yelling at me!). So today I start the campaign for Nice 2008. Can we all try and be nicer to each other? And try to use diplomacy in our own lives, as well as relations with foreign countries? Can we quit waging wars on each other for things we think the other person might do? Let's give each other the chance to be nice.
And finally, might I ask that you try and be a little nicer the next time you call somebody at a call center? Especially mine. We're here all the time for you, and all we want to do is help. Please don't yell at me anymore, I don't think I can take it.
We could all be so happy together!
And I'm getting off my soapbox now.
Elle Bunny
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