I could list a million and one reasons why Roseanne is Friday's Fun Fearless Female, but it would take too long. I don't agree with her on a lot and I think sometimes she acts in certain ways just to be controversial, but her show is one of the best things to have ever been on television. It holds up well and seems especially relevant in our current times. Here is a link to a story Entertainment Weekly did on the shows 20th anniversary earlier this month.
They are so awesome! To me, there is nothing more comforting than a marathon of Roseanne Halloween episodes the night before and/or night of Halloween. They used to do it on Nick at Nite every year.
My freshmen year of college I roomed with my friend Rachel whose birthday is Halloween. She went home the day before her birthday and I was all alone on Halloween night. I had a test the next day so I was in my dorm room studying but kept getting distracted by television because they always show the awesome scary movies. Well I watched the Exorcist and got myself all freaked out. I couldn't stop thinking about it and I needed to study. I flipped through the channels, frantically looking for something to watch that would take my mind off of Linda Blair's crazy devil voice and rotating head.
Finally, I found Roseanne and watched it and laughed for the rest of the night.
I also didn't do too bad on the test.
Let's celebrate Roseanne, Friday's Fun Fearless Female!
In Twilight News
I'm having a hard time keeping up at this point. It's a good thing it's slowed down at my work or else there's no way I could keep up. Anyway, there are lots of super cute pics that have come out of Rob and Kristen and Catherine on the Red Carpet in Rome.
Here are some of my faves:
For my money, I don't think it gets much cuter than this.
Rob seems to be adjusting to this new life in the spotlight. Kristen still seems a little overwhelmed by it. Look how happy he looks here? It makes me happy. I have a theory that Kristen is afraid to touch Rob or be too nice to him because she is secretly desperately in love with him and she can't bring herself to open that can of worms because she has a boyfriend.
How could she not realize they are meant to be together? Kristen needs to ditch Michael Oregano or whatever his name is and get with Rob.
The other important development is that some people taped the preview of the movie that they were shown. Here it is: (Be forewarned: There are spoilers!)
So I really liked a lot of it (but can't understand all of the dialogue). I got goosebumps at different points it was so good (OME the Lullaby scene). However, some of the tree stuff looked super cheesy. I'm hoping it looks better when you see it on the big screen, but I'm beginning to think that the lack of budget may result in some cheesy looking stunts. I hope this isn't the case and I'm really happy with what I have seen of the Ballet Studio Scene. I guess we will just have to wait and see.
So, I could post the videos from the Q&A Session, but I'll save you the trouble of watching through 20 minutes and give you the highlight. Rob was asked what it's like to live as a vampire. Here is his answer:
"The life of a vampire, basically, outside of the movie, consists of going to different cities around the world and everybody screams. It's really strange. Everybody knows you're a vampire and no one really cares. They just wanna scream and say that they love you. It's great. I'd recommend being a vampire to everybody."
In the immortal words of the great Charlene Frazier Stillfield,
my heart is full.In another interview done by the LA Times, when asked if he thinks he’ll ever become accustomed to that aspect of his new found celebrity, he simply replied, “No. It’s just a certain amount of acceptance, I guess. The only kind of strange thing is when you get photographed,” he continued. “When people come up to you, it’s completely understandable, but if someone’s secretly photographing you that’s kind of weird. I don’t think you’d ever get used to that. You can’t really live normally when that’s happening. But people coming up to you is always kind of nice. I don’t do anything during my day, so it’s someone to talk to.”
Again, how adorable can someone be? So cute. He should never be lonely.
Another thing that amused me happened on one of the livejournals I frequent, RPattz Daily. They were discussing Rob's hygiene, or lack thereof as well as his recent admission that he doesn't have a home. Someone said:
"What on earth does that boy buy with the money he gets if he doesn't buy a home, bathroom products, hair products, and clothing????"
Somebody responded with "alcohol and other shiny things" but I'm betting that Rob has an extensive collection of Care Bears that he keeps in the back of his car. My guess is that he drives a Honda Civic.
If he drives at all. I'd venture to guess that he has Tom Stu drive him around in his Honda Civic because he hasn't had time to get his American Driver's License. Anyway, while I will agree that he probably spends a good portion of his money on booze and cigarettes,
I think the rest goes to Care Bears and Wu Tang CDs. 
Because that 's how RPattz rolls. 
Everyone have a good Halloween!
Elle Bunny

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