Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Not the littlest hobo!

The inspiration for the name of this post comes from this glorious scene:

I love That 70s Show.

Anyway, for some reason that line stuck with me. And one time, when me and the Struthropes were down at Crystal Beach, we were all in the car on the ferry on our way back to civilization; and then we realized that these Asian people parked behind us on the ferry were taping us with their video camera. Which is very odd, but something that would happen when the three of us hang out--we are like a magnet for crazy people/experiences.

We were in what we call "hobo mode"--aka dirty hair up in top knots, me in a (pink) ball cap, cut off sweat pants and high school t-shirts. And then we started joking about how we probably looked like the Spears family on a vacation--that must be why the Asian family was filming us. Meredith was "Fee" aka Britney's assistant, I was Britney, and Rachel (the shortest of all of us) was Jamie Lynn (mind you, this was years ago when Jamie was just a pre-teen who probably hadn't even met her baby daddy yet). And then we started laughing and saying "Not the littlest hobo" at the thought of our Rachi/Jamie Lynn on film in hobo mode.

So now that I have shared that completely unimportant and ridiculous story, I have to tell you that phrase is what came to mind when I saw the videos below of our very own Spunk Ransom with a scraggly hobo beard. I couldn't put my finger on who he reminded me of until this morning when I passed my favorite homeless man on Braker today (his sign reads "69 cents short of a 99 cent hamburger")--then it hit me...he's not just a hobo...he's a dead ringer for my fav homeless guy. And this is how he looked when he was on E! Perhaps I should give Braker Hobo an extreme makeover and get him in the movies.

Keep in mind, I usually like beards..but his looks weird. And hobo-ish. I'm hoping it's for a role. And while I think it's kind of funny that he looked like this on E, it also makes me worried. He just looks so skinny. Is he eating?

Although, I have to express my annoyance with E in general as a network. They have ignored Twilight for months now, and all of a sudden, they are jumping on the bandwagon hard core. I love them for bringing me coverage, but I'm annoyed that they are so fickle. And where are they interviewing them?--it looks like Disneyland or Universal Studios.

I love Nikki Reed. She just seems so nice and I love her commentary on Rob and Kellan. But she needs to date Kellan..and not Rob. I have a sick feeling that they are dating. Doesn't Kristen realize that she belongs with Rob? Doesn't Rob realize he belongs with Kristen? Screw this Michael guy! (I say all of this in jest. I just think that RPattz and KStew look awesome together).

Anyway, enjoy the videos below. Even though Rob looks like a hobo, he is still the most beautiful hobo in the world.

Althought the Braker hobo might give him a run for his money.


Elle Bunny

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