I'm very superstitious. I wouldn't say I'm quite as superstitious as my mom and certainly not as bad as my grandmother (AKA Mammawie) but I'm superstitious. The problem is, I think about it too much. And as Stevie said, when you believe in things you don't understand, you suffer. I nearly run off the road trying to find a second black bird in the sky; then for the next twenty minutes I ponder whether I'm creating my own bad luck by becoming distracted by an old wives' tale or if it was because I didn't find that second black bird that I nearly got in an accident. This is why I was never good at philosophy. I can't make a decision to save my life--how can I make a decision about the meaning of it all? So while I would say I'm superstitious, I'm really just afraid of what might happen if I don't do these things--I'm not sure I actually believe in any of it. But why tempt fate?
So I think we all know at this point that saying you are superstitious is just a nice way to say you have a slight case of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It is just a certain type of OCD that is inherited. And I would say that the majority of my superstitions come from Mom and Mammawie. Here are the things that come to mind:
1) If the salt tips over I throw some of it over my left shoulder.
One time my Mom told her father-in-law, my Pawpaw, that he needed to do this when the salt got knocked over at the table. He took the salt shaker and passed it over his left shoulder. 2) As I previously referred to, I count black birds in the sky
one come sorrow, two come joy, three come letter, four come boy, five come silver, six come gold, seven comes secret that have never been told. One time a friend asked me what it meant if you had more than that. I told her it meant something was probably dead. 3) I never go under ladders,
no breaking mirrors, etc. One time, I thought about breaking a mirror in an attempt to reverse the bad luck I had been having.
But seven years is a long time and I couldn't make the commitment. I put the hammer away. 4) I will turn around and go a completely different way if I see a black cat.
If one runs out in front of me and I have no control, I worry about it for the rest of the day. I used to laugh at my Mom for doing this, but when I do stuff like this now I realize that I'm becoming just like her. 5) I wish on hay.
Whenever I see a bale of hay on the side of the road, I lick a finger, put it to my other hand, and then that hand comes down on the other which is in a closed fist. While I do this I make a wish. I tend to always wish for the same things. 6) I never pass a penny without picking it up.
Now in my family we still pick it up even if it tails up--it is just an added bonus-really good luck-if you find a heads up penny. I tend to expand on this and if I find a nickel, dime or quarter, I believe that the good luck is increased exponentially. Now, through the years, I have come across other people with their own superstitions. Without even knowing it, I will pick them up and they become part of my lifestyle. For instance, now I always kiss my hand and put it up to the roof of my car when I go through a yellow light. When I took tests in middle school, high school and college, I switched rings with my friends for good luck. On high school drill team, when we were going to and from football games we would always have to pass over a railroad track on the bus.
We all put a finger on one of the screws that held the bus together. I never received an explanation of why and I never asked for one. Why tempt fate? While these superstitions may seem silly to others, I think they make me unique and make life a little more interesting.
In Twilight News, it's Twilight Tuesday over at MTV and they have Question and Answer time with the stars again. Watch until the end to see Kristen and Rob.
Too funny. The idea of Rob the Rapper sent me into a fit of giggles this morning.
I know that this morning you found yourself wondering
Where's Rob?
Last night Rob received an award at the Hollywood Awards for his acting abilities. Here are some pics of him at the event.

He looks so handsome--and so grown up. That's two times in a week I've seen him in a tie. I'm shocked.
Here is a pic of him with Camilla Bell, who has been rumored to be his girlfriend in the past.
Hmm. She's really pretty. I have also heard rumors that she dated/is dating Rob's BFF Tom Sturridge aka Tom Stu.
I wonder if she is really dating either of them or if she is just their friend.
Anywho, have a great day. And don't forget to pick up every penny you see and wish on bales of hay. It can't hurt, right?
Elle Bunny
What a nice summary of supersititions and until now I didn't realize how many are rules of the road. But these are part of what make your Mother and my Mother colorful, quirky, and somehow very Southern, and I like that because it makes me think of Steel Magnolias. By the way, your Grandmother actually found a four-leaf clover one time, and she would be the first to say that it didn't bring her much luck. So much for the ritual of superstitions, though they will continue in certain circles.
love you, poodle
Thanks Mama! Yall are Steel Magnolias. I'm amazed by how many superstitions are related to driving/traveling as well.
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