I also thoroughly enjoyed this Geico commercial:
Below is a video talking about the 25th anniversary celebration for Cabbage Patch Kids (watch closely-there is an appearance by Xavier Roberts of Cabbage Patch derriere fame!). It was held at the Toys 'R Us in Time Square (I've been there. Mr. Bunny and I rode the Ferris Wheel. But I was in the Jimmy Neutron car, not the Cabbage Patch Car).
Everyone in my generation has a Cabbage Patch Kid Story. I had several Cabbage Patch Kids, including a Cabbage Patch Crimp n' Curl which was hot property back in the day. It really should have been called the Cabbage Patch Crimp because the Curling Iron didn't work at all. The most ridiculous thing about the CPKs (as those in the know call them) is that when you adopted them, you got a birth certificate with their name on it. It was always something awful that didn't fit the CPK at all--i.e, a red head named Shenequa. A little baby doll with no hair named Gertrude. I would always change the CPK's name to something I liked more.
My friend Rachel told me that when she was younger she went to the Cabbage Patch Official Headquarters and they took them all on a tour of the facility. They went into a room and there were these people there dressed up like doctors, pulling CPK's out of a Cabbage Patch. When they pulled the baby out, someone on the tour would yell out the name and that would be what was found on the CPK's birth certificate. Well, no wonder the names were so bad. If I had gone on the tour, some kid in Provo, Utah would have ended up with a blond, blue-eyed CPK named Bonquita Aquavelvaneeta.
My favorite Cabbage Patch doll was a baby that looked something like this

except not at all because the baby was white and her clothes were purple. She would squeak when I pushed on her tummy. Anyway, I got her right after my hairdresser, Lee died. Lee was an old gay man who worked at the salon in JC Penneys that my mom took me and my sister to. We were always reeking havoc there. Throughout the years my sister and I both managed to have incidents that embarrassed my mom, including spraying water across the salon (that was moi) and sticking her hand in beeswax (that was my sister Meredith), so it was really nice of them to put up with us. Anyway, one day my mom called the salon to make an appointment for us to get our hair cut and the receptionist said "Lee's no longer with us." My mom asked her which hair salon he had moved to and then the lady said "No, Lee passed away." It really affected me as a child because Lee was the only one who ever cut my hair and he was one of the few people I knew who died. For some reason I always picture him looking like Colonel Sanders, but my mom and Meredith both assure me that this was not the case.
Anyway, I named my Cabbage Patch baby doll Lee in his honor. One time Meredith and I threw her and a Magic Nursery baby she had named Tess on the roof and my dad had to get a ladder and go up there and get them.
So that's my Cabbage Patch Kid story. What's yours?
In Twilight/Rob News,
to quote Sarah Palin, say it ain't so, Joe.
Rob Pattinson: Hair Today, but Gone Tomorrow?
Twilight heartthrob Robert Pattinson says he wants to get rid of his signature hairstyle.
“I cannot wait to cut it off,” Pattinson said last night at the Starz after party for the Hollywood Film Festival Awards Gala at the Beverly Hilton, where he received the New Hollywood Award.
Pattinson insists he doesn't understand the big fuss over his ‘do. "Nothing’s ever baffled me as much as this,” he said, adding, “I wanted to get a haircut today, but they wouldn’t let me. They were like, ‘You can’t ruin our marketing!'"
This makes me feel bad for Rob. I hope he doesn't feel trapped. He would look adorable with or without the hair (although I prefer the hair).
Elle Bunny
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