Thursday, November 6, 2008

I have Celebrity Baby Rabies!

I really want to become the next Brangelina. Except I don't want to adopt children from foreign countries. I just want to adopt the tots of celebrities. Here is my vision for the Brangeloonie-inspired Bunny Family:
(You should be singing this to the tune of the Brady Bunch Theme Song)
Here's a story of a lovely Bunny
She married her soulmate Mr. BunnyThey decided to adopt a bunch of babies
Like Brangelina...but from celebrities

There's Suri,

and then there's Shiloh,

We've even got that crazy baby Z
Sorry Tori, we stole your boy

We even took Frankie from Amanda Peet

Somehow we can't resist celebrity babies,
Kate Gosselin didn't notice her three lost 'tups
and this group will somehow form a family
That's the way we'll all become the Bunny Bunch
The Bunny Bunch, The Bunny Bunch
That's the Way we'll become the Bunny Bunch!!
Okay, I just completely dorked out. But how can your resist their adorableness? And seriously, would Kate even notice if three were gone?
In Twilight News,
Here is a link to an interview with Stephenie Meyer in which she talks about the movie, the books, and RPattz.
The awesome video below came from Teen Vogue.
I have to say, I love Jackson and Ashley, aka Jasper and Alice. I wish they were included in more Twilight coverage. I also love that Nikki and Kristen seem like such good friends. This picture just came out of Nikki visiting Kristen in New Orleans where KStew is currently filming "Welcome to the Riley's." That warms my heart (although I don't understand what Nikki is wearing and Kristen looks like she could use a nap).
Have a great day! If you see any celebrity babies, snatch them for me!
Elle Bunny

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