That's almost as good as this interpretation.
Here's the literal version of "Head Over Heels," by Tears for Fears, which is one of the most awesome videos from the 80s. I love the monkey and the librarian's glasses are fierce.
I also thought I would throw in this jewel-it doesn't sound like it was done by the same people, but I will always seize an opportunity to Rick Roll you!
I also took a trip down memory lane today and watched the "Shoes" video. I adore Kelly.
My friend Meredith had an awesome Halloween party this year. She dressed up as Minnie Mouse, I dressed up as a Pirate Wench (Mr. Bunny was a Pirate) and Meredith's co worker's boyfriend came dressed as Kelly. Here is a picture of us with Kelly/Gabe.

Too funny.
So if you are wondering
Where's Rob?
you aren't the only one. He's hard to keep up with these days since he's on the Hot Topic tour. Yesterday he was in Dallas, but unfortunately I was stuck at work. I'm glad to here that no noses were broken at this signing. Well played, Dallas. Thanks for representing Texas well (hopefully).
Here is an awesome interview that Rob did while he was in Dallas. The guy who interviewed him seems so nice.
Rob cracks me up. The blue roof section of Dallas. LOL.
In other Dallas news, Kidd Kraddick and his crew almost got arrested when they had Sexy Jack, the resident British guy, walk around and pretend to be Rob Pattinson. Hilarity ensued! Check out the coverage here:
I have recently joined a group on livejournal called hothobolove. It is dedicated to the loveliness that is Rob Pattinson and Tom Sturridge. Members of the group are called Plaids. The club is really too funny. Here is a YouTube Video made by two Plaids impersonating Tom Stu and RPattz. Pretty dead on in my opinion.
It is amazing how many people are dedicated to the love between these BFFs. One girl came to the San Francisco signing wearing a shirt with two hearts on her boobs that said Tom Stu Love U. She was obviously a Plaid. My SanFran RPattz Experience (pics included)
These pictures recently came out of Rob with costar Anna Kendrick (AKA Jessica), Nikki Reed (AKA Rosalie) and some guy. The only one of interest in my opinion is this one:
Gene Simmons, anyone? Also, all I can think about is how much the Jessica in the books would enjoy this.
Finally, check this out!
Twilight Soundtrack Takes #1 Billboard Spot
So cool. The movie hasn't event come out yet.
Only 8.5 more days. BTW, I officially got 11/21 off, as did my coworker. It is now officially Twilight Day.
Elle Bunny
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