Friday, November 14, 2008

NeNe is Friday's Fun Fearless Female!

If you aren't watching Real Housewives of Atlanta yet,
These bitches are crazy! No one is better than NeNe, and that is why she is Friday's Fun Fearless Female.

Here is an introduction to NeNe.

Watch more The Real Housewives of Atlanta videos on AOL Video

NeNe is funny and can sing a hell of a lot better than her archrival and former friend Kim.NeNe is known for such hits as "Don't be Tardy fo tha Party" and "I Know I Said I Was 29, but I know I'm really 89".

Apparently NeNe also used to be a stripper.I love her husband and her gay best friend, Dwight Eubanks.

She also is the founder of an organization called "Twisted Hearts" that helps victims of domestic abuse. NeNe recently found out the man she grew up thinking was her father is not. They had a Maury moment. I can't wait to find out who the father is.
Here is what the Silver Fox had to say about NeNe last night on the Tonight Show:

I love these people. They make the world a better place; or at least in NeNe's case a more entertaining world. I would love it if I could post more footage, but unfortunately Bravo is full of bitches who won't allow videos of their shows.

In the
Twilight Zone
these beautiful pictures just came out. They are from a shoot with InStyle. Aren't they beautiful?

The movie is less than a week away now!

Have a great weekend!


Elle Bunny

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