Are there people that you love on sight for no good reason? Are there celebrities you love in spite of their faults? I guess that's what being a fan is. Whenever I think of the devotion we sometimes show to our favorite celebrities, I always think of my friend Justin. He explains his adoration for Mariah Carey by exclaiming, "I stuck with her through 'Glitter'!" Haven't we all stuck with people we love, whether they be members of our family, friends, or our favorite celebrity, through their "Glitter" period? Sometimes it's hard, but it makes the bond that much deeper once that time in their life is over. And you know somebody loves you if they have stuck with you through your own "Glitter" moment.
I don't have some great explanation for my love for these people. They just make me happy.
I love Posh and Becks.
I love that he sounds like Oliver Twist and she sounds a lot more intelligent that she looks. I love that she barely sang as a part of the Spice Girls. I love that she looks like a Fembot and that he is a raging Metrosexual. I love that in this picture, the crazy boots she's wearing don't have heels.
I know a lot of people find them annoying. And I know these aren't really profound reasons to like someone. But there good enough reasons for me.

I know a lot of people find them annoying. And I know these aren't really profound reasons to like someone. But there good enough reasons for me.
Moving on, I love Kathryn Morris AKA Lilly Rush from "Cold Case."
I love that she is such a badass. I love that Meredith Baxter plays her drunken mom on the show. I love that I know nothing about her personal life. I love that she wears her hair up most of the time on the show--something rarely seen on prime time television. I love that she is a member of the paleforce like me.

I adore Paul Harvey.
I love the rest of the story. I have enjoyed it since I was a little girl. There is something about Paul's voice that is so comforting. I also love that when he reads the news he announces what page he's on. Do we really need to know his page number? No. But I love that he says it.

I love me some Sylvia Browne.
I'll be the first to admit that Sylvia Browne is full of crap. But I like her. I like her long fake nails. I love that she's written 50 books about stupid stuff like how to contact your dead pet. I love that she claims we all have spirit guides and they never have a name like Jenny--its always Francine or Mario (maybe they get named at the CPK factory). I love that she is so convicted in her beliefs that when somebody tells her that she is dead wrong she looks at them like they are the crazy one.

I love Haley Williams from Paramore.
I love that Haley has bright red hair. I love that she has an awesome voice. I love that she and her band are very strong Christians but don't feel the need to shove it down everybody's throat all the time. I love that she blogs a lot. I love that she is from the Nashville area but you wouldn't know it by listening to her music. I love that she loves Twilight and has two awesome songs on the soundtrack that they wrote for the movie. I love that she is only 20 and seems more well-adjusted than most 40-somethings in the business.
I love Maury Povich.
I love that he is married to Connie Chung (aka Connie Chunk--that was what I understood her name to be until I was like 12). I love that almost all of his shows revolve around paternity tests and girls running backstage screaming because the fifth guy that they brought on the show was not the father. I love the concerned paternal look on Maury's face when he goes backstage to comfort said girl and let her know that they will help her find the guy. I love his shows about weird phobias, such as the girl afraid of cotton balls . I love his shows about women whose husbands control them and won't let them open the blinds when they are home alone. I love his 'Is it a He or a She?' Beauty Pageants. And more than anything,
I Love
Fat Babies on Maury.

I love Maury Povich.
I Love
Fat Babies on Maury.
Speaking of celebrities that I love unconditionally,
Where's Rob?
Well, after the cast of Twilight taped the episode of the new MTV show "Spoilers" (airing on Friday 11/14 at 7:30 PM) in LA, Kristen, Nikki & Rob were all whisked away. Next thing we know we see this picture of him coming out of the Hollywood Bowl on the same night,
Well, after the cast of Twilight taped the episode of the new MTV show "Spoilers" (airing on Friday 11/14 at 7:30 PM) in LA, Kristen, Nikki & Rob were all whisked away. Next thing we know we see this picture of him coming out of the Hollywood Bowl on the same night,

where he went to see Van Morrison, his musical idol. The girl he is with is most likely either related to him or works for him and she is wearing Docs and an Edward Cullen button. Funny.
Anyway, Rob and Kristen have also been doing a lot of press for the movie. Here are two of my favorite interviews with Rob, one done by a fan, and one done by Variety. I love both!
In closing, during an interview with Extra, Rob addressed the rumors that he proposed to Kristen several times on set.
Interviewer: I read that you were following Kristen around for days, proposing to her? Is that true?
Rob: Oh yeah. We were going to get married for a long time.
Interviewer: What about her boyfriend?
Rob: (laughing) Who cares?
Interviewer: (laughing) What ABOUT her boyfriend?
Rob: (laughing) Yeah, what ABOUT her boyfriend?
Interviewer: Do you really have a crush on her?
Rob: I have no idea. I mean, she's a really good friend of mine.
Interviewer: What do you mean you have no idea?
Rob: I was in some kind of weird world for 5 months, convincing yourself .......... it's kind of awkward now. It took me a long time to get out of it. It took me like 2 months to stop introducing her as my fiancée. Even to her boyfriend.
This is priceless. It warms my heart.
RPattz+KStew=True Love
Elle Bunny
I love Posh and Becks! One time, when I was really bored, I watched all of their BBC Specials on YouTube. Also, I watched her "Coming to America" show three times in one week.
I loved the part where that woman at the Beverly Hills Brunch made her dolphin sound. Too funny!
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