Monday, November 3, 2008

My opinion on various different Twilight related topics

So there is so much Twilight goodness lately that I'm writing a whole entry on it. Sorry Merediths and other non-Twilighters! I know I'm boring you, but you might actually enjoy this.

Okay so here is a high quality version of Rob's song "Never Think" off of the Twilight soundtrack, which comes out tomorrow.

Now, let me start off by saying I LOVE THIS SONG! I love the long intro (the guitar makes me want to cry) I love Rob's vocals, I love that I can't understand a lot of what he is saying, I love that he sounds a little drunk. I honestly think that they recorded this song with me in mind. This stuff is right up my alley. I enjoy long intros, acoustic guitar and boys wailing unintelligible lyrics. It's kind of my thing. And it makes me love Rob even more to know that this is how he sings.

I think the definition of my "thing" musically is Jeff Buckley. My love for him will never die. It's almost cliche at this point to like Jeff Buckley. Everybody claims to love him. But I really do. Like, I own every cd/song of his that has ever been released. I have two books on him, and sometimes when I'm having a bad day, I look at the pictures in my Jeff Buckley coffee table book just to make myself cry. He got me through my last brutal year of high school. I'm a big fan.

So they have been talking about a Jeff Buckley bio movie for years now. Pretty much since he died. But in the last few years it became a reality when his mom green lighted a project with the screenwriter from "Finding Neverland." That is a movie that I can cry just thinking about. The scene where Kate Winslet dies is heartbreaking. So obviously I was excited to hear that such talented people would be working on it. There has been much debate about who would play Jeff. I haven't heard any update on the project, but I'm pretty sure it will eventually come to fruition.

Recently people have been comparing Rob to Jeff a lot (R-Patz Sings A Love Song; 'Twilight' Exclusive: Our Soundtrack Snap Judgments!Robert Pattinson - “Never Think”) and some are even considering him as a possible candidate to play Jeff Buckley in the movie. And while I do love Rob's music and think his voice sounds similar to Jeff's I have to voice my opinion about Rob playing him in the movie-NO!

I have no doubt that Rob could go there and give an incredible performance, better than most. He might even be able to sing in some of the parts if he can work on enunciating. But there is a lot that is wrong with him physically--although I do admit they both have GREAT hair. To start off Jeff was around 5'7"--Rob is 6'1. He's gangly and awkward looking. That's why we love him. He also has a big head and a large broad face. Jeff was small and angular. Rob would make a better candidate to play Elvis Presley. Johnny Depp would have been perfect to play Jeff 10 years ago, but now he's too old. I don't know if anybody is right to play Jeff at this point-he is too beautiful and talented for anyone to really emulate him well. Maybe James Franco? But I think Jeff Buckley might be one of the only roles that is harder to fill than Edward Cullen. Hasn't our RPattz been through enough criticism? I consider myself a huge fan of both of them, and maybe Rob would prove me wrong. I just had to share my thoughts.
Finally, I'm tired of everyone saying that Kristen looks bitchy. I think she is so cute. She seems to be very shy and awkward in social situations. She doesn't seem to like being the center of attention. I sympathize with her because I have had that problem in the past--people think I'm an ice queen because I can be painfully shy while I'm silently freaking out trying to figure out what to say. Everybody has been criticizing both Kristen and Rob for looking bored during all the press in Rome (See here and here). I thought that for the most part they both looked fairly happy--they just picked the pictures of them with the worst facial expressions to try and prove their point. Recently in an interview with the LA Times Taylor Lautner (aka Jacob) discussed his appearance at Comic Con with his costars and what Kristen and Rob are like. I think it says a lot about both of them:

Excellent. So clearly, you’re ready to deal with the rabid “Twilight” fans for a while longer. You know, at Comic-Con you did seem the most at ease with the screams. Were you nervous at all? We were all standing backstage waiting to go out and they told me ‘It’s going to be crazy. Once you get downstairs there’s going to be 6,500 fans.’ I kind of brushed it off and said ‘Yeah, OK, sure.’ But then “Twilight” came up on the screen, and everyone just started screaming. I’ve never seen anything like it before. We were all pretty nervous but once we got out there it was pretty fun –- at least for me. The fans are just very passionate and really excited for the movie to come out already. So am I!
I thought Robert, in particular, looked like he was going to
pass out from fear. Did you give him any words of advice in dealing with fans?

(Laughs) Actually, both he and Kristen have come up to me and asked, ‘How do you not freak out? What do you do?’ And they’re all sweating (laughs again). I tell them, ‘I don’t know. I mean, this is fun!’ But they’re all disappointed, like ‘Oh, OK.’ They’re funny.

The “Twilight” boys seem to be getting most of the attention so far in the media. Can you tell us more about what Kristen is like?

The only people that were there when I was on set were Kristen and Rob, and he wasn’t there too much. So it was basically just me and Kristen. She’s very easygoing. It takes her a little bit to warm up to people. She’s a little shy and reserved. Her and Rob both are. But she was very fun to be around.

I think because they aren't your average celebrities, they are getting a bad wrap. They are actors. They do this because they love to act and not because they want to be famous. I think both Rob and Kristen are darling and talented and will go on to great things.
I'm getting off my soap box now.

BTW, I bought my ticket for the midnight showing on Thursday night! I'm so excited. Laura and I have both agreed that we don't mind being a little tired and grumpy at work the next day because we will have finally seen the movie.

Have a great day!


Elle Bunny

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