For instance, yesterday morning was particularly cold and while on the way to work, I looked over and saw a little girl in a car seat. She had on a big puffy jacket and I was brought back to my mom's old blue boat of an Oldsmobile. I remembered what it felt like to be stuffed in one of those marshmallow jackets and then put in a car seat that could barely contain my puffiness.

I remembered how hard it was for me to relax my arms due to all the puffiness-the material made my arms stick straight out. Then I started wondering why it is necessary for the jackets to be that puffy? As adults, we don't necessitate these huge over the top jackets

(most of the time). Does the puffy jacket prevent a child from freezing to death any better that a non-puffy jacket made out of the same materials but without the stuffing? And what do they stuff these jackets with? Is this a question for my BFF Meredith? Would she learn about this in her textile class? Do they teach the fundamentals of the Big Puffy Jacket in Fashion Merchandising? I wonder if I should go back to school and if I did, what should I get a masters in? And why are all of my interests the low paying ones? Why didn't I develop an interest in accounting as a young girl? Maybe I should have gone to an all-girls school-girls and boys learn math differently and I probably would have learned better. And the uniforms are really cute and it might have been fun. But I probably would have missed the boys.
Wait, how did I start thinking about this?
Another example:
Last night I was watching Beverly Hills, 90210 on my DVR and the live feed footage of the Twilight Premiere on my laptop (the live feeds-all 4 of them--sucked. See below.) Anyway, it was the episode where Kelly gets caught in the bathroom with a lesbian when Steve's rave house goes up in flames. During the bathroom burning, Brandon is busy getting it on with Emily Valentine, who just happened to drop by and ruin everything.
I hate that ho. So earlier in the episode, Brandon and Kelly are out on the balcony at the beach apartment. They both can't sleep because of the Santa Ana winds that keep blowing. Then they both have flashbacks of the Thanksgiving the year before, when Brando went to visit Emily in San Francisco and when Kelly and Dylan were together. And they show Dylan talking about the Santa Ana winds and how there are these winds in Africa and "if you kill somebody when they are blowing, nobody will blame you" or something like that. Anyway, this show is always making such a big deal about the damn Santa Ana winds. And I know that right now they are causing a lot of fires in CA which is really sad, but do they really change your mood? I think somebody on the writing staff might have read The Stranger one too many times and now they think they're Camus. Are these winds really that bad? My first trip to LA was to spend Thanksgiving with my Aunt and Uncle, and I swear I never even noticed the winds.In fact, not only did I sleep right through the Santa Ana winds, I slept through an earthquake. It was only like a 5.2, but whatever. I was 7 during that trip and I'm horrified when I think back on the outfits I wore. My mom dressed me and my sister in matching black leggings with oversized Garth Brooks t-shirts. I'm dying at the thought right now. We looked like country bumpkins come to town. What were we thinking? When is it ever a good idea to dress like that? And the Keds.

Oh, the Keds. I had them in every color and matched them with my bows. God, fashion from the early 90s was so awful.
How does any one train of thought cover Garth Brooks and Albert Camus?

Am I going crazy?
In the
Twilight Zone,
the Hollywood Premiere was last night. Like I said, the live feeds were crappy and they all cut in and out on me. Here are a few videos from last night (and they don't cut in and out!).
It makes me happy to see all of them looking so happy and healthy.

Kristen actually seemed excited (for her) and looked stunningly beautiful.Rob looked adorable
and deliciously awkward-
and that's why we love him. Also, here is a link to Lainey Gossip's take on an awkward interview with Rob, Kristen, Nikki and Rachelle that she did while they were in Canada. It totally confirms my suspicions that Kristen is totally in love with Rob
and stuck in between a rock and an Oregano.
Countdown to Twilight at Midnight: 59 hours!Love,
Elle Bunny
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