Monday, November 24, 2008

My crazy Twilight and family-fun-filled weekend!

Okay, so I know I said I was going to post on Friday, but most of the people who read this blog (well actually, probably all of you guys) have talked to me since Friday, so sue me. It was a busy and wonderful weekend.
First things first: My wonderful sister Meredith got engaged to her equally wonderful boyfriend (now fiance) Cam. I swear to God, I have never seen my sister so happy as she was this weekend. Campbell and Meredith are a perfect match and I'm so lucky to be getting such an awesome brother out of the deal. He took her out to dinner on Friday night for her birthday and then got back to her apartment and gave her a beautiful book that he illustrated. It is really amazing and I don't think that I could express how awesome it is with words, but trust me, if you read it, you'd cry. And on the last page he asked if she would marry him and he got down on one knee and proposed with an amazing diamond ring. She called home and came over to find Mom, Dad, Mr Bunny and I, along with Cam's parents and Brother and Sister-in-law (they were all a surprise). We had a great weekend celebrating. I'm so happy for them and also so glad I can finally talk to Meredith about it now. Cam asked my Dad about it three weeks ago and he talked to me a couple days later so I've only been able to talk about with Mr. Bunny, Mom, Dad and Cam for awhile. I kind of thought my Mom and I were going to go nuts. But now it is all out in the open and everyone is happy.
So Meredie, I hope you don't mind me telling your story, but most of the people who read this blog already know about it, so Congrats to you and Cam!
Pebbles, I know you must feel important considering I talked about your engagement before Twilight (j/k), but this Twilight stuff is serious business, so I'm going to get right down to it. And I know all of you non-Twilighters will be happy at the thought that I will no longer be hitting you with a barrage of Twilight-related blogging, but think again. It just keeps coming! Click on this link to read the awesome letter that many of us informed Twilighters on the e-mail list received letting us know that they will be going ahead in making New Moon. Yippee!!
So on to my Twilight Review:
(WARNING: THERE MAY BE SOME MINOR SPOILERS IN HERE. If you've read the book I'm not sure if it will be too offensive, but don't read if you don't want to know) I was kind of hesitant to write my review after seeing it the first time, because I was honestly totally disappointed. I don't think it comes as a shock to any of y'all that I'm a fan of Rob. Okay, I admit it, I have a Robsession. But I'm seeking counseling for it, so get off my back. Anyway, I was kind of disappointed in his performance. I get that he wants Edward to be all Manic Depressive and everything, and I totally (to borrow an expression from my husband) picked up what he was putting down. But some of the scenes were unintentionally hilarious. At least I didn't think it was intentional.
At 2 AM I came home worried that it was a total bomb and read all of these reviews from people who loved (and some who hated) it. And I was confused. After watching it once, I couldn't understand how anyone could like it. And I totally thought that I had prepared myself, going in with low expectations on it not sticking to the book and the not-so-special effects. But I was actually pleasantly surprised that the effects weren't that bad (except for the CGI when they are flying through the trees) and they actually stuck to plot of the book pretty well. It was the way it was performed that kind of bothered me. I am one of the lucky peeps who has seen "How to Be" and I know that Roberto can act. He's an amazingly talented guy, so I just didn't get it. A lot of it felt really awkward. When Edward leans out of the tree saying "You are like my own personal brand of heroin" I laughed out loud along with the rest of my row. It was not said jokingly like in the book. And the biology scene was kind of awful.
KStew was pretty awesome, though. I loved most of her performance from my first viewing (except the part at the end when she's all breaking down and can't get out a coherent sentence. Another part that I laughed out loud at and got shushed for).
Anywho, I know I'm rambling on and on about things I don't like, but let me tell you, I went back and saw it twice the next day. Once by myself in the afternoon (a first for me. I don't like going places by myself, but I should try doing it more because I actually liked it) and once with friends again at 7:00 that evening. And I have to tell you, that I kind of got it that second time. I was amazed by how much I was influenced by others in the audience. No one was laughing at the unintentionally funny parts (well except for me, but only at a couple). In my opinion it is by no means an A+ movie, but it is definitely better than I thought it was the first time. I think I was so giddy about it the first time and, despite my best efforts, had built it up so much that it made it difficult for me to really enjoy it. There is some sub-par acting in there and I know that I can't be the only person that noticed Bert slipping out of his accent a couple of times (car-washing scene anyone?). But I have two words for you regarding Rob's performance:

If you haven't seen it, go rent "Rebel Without a Cause" and tell me that he isn't channeling Dean in that movie. This is a major compliment coming from me as James Dean is one of my absolute favorites-he is definitely invited to the party. But James Dean in that movie is playing a teenager who is very tortured and angst-ridden (Edward Cullen, anyone?) and I think that maybe RPattz took that as guidance for this role. And the voice is totally James Dean.
So to talk about some other things that didn't melt my butter, I didn't like how the movie seemed to rush through things. I know that it's hard to put the whole 497-page book into two hours, but I felt like people who hadn't read the books might not get what is going on. But my friend Julie's husband who hasn't read the books seemed to think it would be an interesting story to read and didn't seem quite as disappointed as Julie and I were in some things. Other things I didn't like--the score--I felt like it was distracting and pretentious; EXTREME CLOSE UPS-just stop, Catherine Hardwicke; we get that you are all indie and stuff, but I don't need to see anyone's face that close. They never said I love you and I kind of needed that. WTF happened to Alice's story? They completely dropped it--there was no mention made of what happened to her or James having anything to do with it. Also, Ashley was amazing and they totally need to utilize her more. No mention was made of Jasper's powers of persuasion. And Rob's face during the venom-sucking scene. Another WTF moment. And KStew crossing her eyes just did me in. I LOLed a lot.
So sorry I keep putting my Negative Nelly cap on. I'm taking it off officially at this point. Here are some of the things I loved about it (and there's actually a lot, despite my negative ramblings)

I loved it. I loved the use of music. I loved everything about it (except for Esme's awkwardly placed baseball cap. Couldn't they have found one that would fit her head?-I'm sorry, Negative Nelly is slipping back in).

Billy Burke is amazing and definitely said a lot without saying much. I adore him. What's wrong with you, Renee?
3) KISSING SCENE (I know I seem like Kanye with all of this typing it caps, but it's out of excitement, I promise I'm not screaming at you) OME. As my friend Laura said, that was worth the ticket right there. Good job, guys.
Oregano, do you have that kind of heat with KStew?

I think not.
4) The prom.

Hot. I loved how the other couples just left once they got to gazebo, like, "oh, well, there's no way we can compete with Bella and Edward."
5) I just love Jessica/Anna Kendrick.

Not a large role, but she did a lot with it. She is a very talented actress--if you haven't seen "Rocket Science" rent it immediately.
6) Mike Newton is amazing.

I really like Michael Welch. I almost converted to Team Newton in my first viewing. That scene where he dances in front of the restaurant is just awesome.

7) EMMETT!!!- again, did a lot with a small role. I heart Kellan Lutz. Thanks for pushing for him, Stephenie. (He totally steals the kitchen scene). Job well done!

8) ALICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-Ashley embodies Alice. I adore her. For "New Moon"--more, please??

9) JACKSPER-although they didn't explain his story AT ALL, that is not his fault. He did well with what he had and looked hot doing it. And that line on the baseball field--I think it was "Oh, well we'll see about that"--I got goosebumps. Hot--although he did remind me of Edward Scissorhands and got the most unintentional giggles out of everyone other than Berto.
10) THE BAD ASS VAMPIRES. Victoria is just amazing. I think I have a girl crush on Rachelle. I loved the last scene. Laurent was made of awesome and I loved his accent, although every time I see Edi I always want somebody to ask him if Hugh Laurie is as cool as I think he is. JAMES is hot and did so well in all of his scenes. I'm almost sad to see him go. But not that sad because we got the
11) FIGHT SCENE IN THE BALLET STUDIO because of it. Holy crow, it was amazing. Some of Kristen and Rob's best work and ALICE kicked ass.
12) Jacob. I kind of loved him. As you know, I am certainly not Team Jacob , and I think Taylor is kind of a tool, but he did good. But that wig has got to go. How did they find a wig with a widow's peak?
13) The scene with Edward and Bella in the rain. I think that might be the hottest Rob has ever looked.
14) My favorite scene-I probably even love it a little bit more than the Baseball and Kissing scenes--is when Edward and Bella walk into school together for the first time. The music (Spotlight by Mutemath) was perfectly used and Rob's smile is soul-crushing. He should smile more (a look of constipation should not be your way of expressing anger or resentment Rob. And I say that in the most loving and non-judgemental way possible). But somehow, I don't think I will be getting more smiles in NM. Just an inkling.
15) Kristen Stewart. She does an amazing job. Just great. I already talked about the part I felt a little annoyed with her at, but she really did well. And can I just say she is absolutely beautiful, even up close, and you know we got a lot of up-close shots since Catherine was filming.
16) Other honorable mentions go to:
Eric Yorkie--just don't ever say Chillax again and you will stay off my shit list.
Angela--because she looked cute and I loved the scenes between her and Bella.
Rosalie--because we all know that Nikki Reed can play a bitch well. And that "My Monkey Man" line is classic.

Carlisle--just because he's adorable and I love him. He did a great job with his part, although according to Rob, they cut out what would have been my favorite line--during the kitchen scene (which was pretty amazing) after Rosalie pitches her fit, Peter Facinelli ad-libbed "Rosalie, always breaking my bowls." Too Funny. But makeup people- lighten up on the makeup with him next time, okay? Thanks!
Other scenes that I loved which will also receive honorable mention:

  • When Edward and Bella are driving away from the Baseball field and Bella looks over and sees her normal human friends laughing while they are leaving the restaurant, I got goosebumps. It reminded me a little of that moment in Eclipse where she walks away from Jacob and realizes that she is walking away from a semi-normal life with dark-haired children running around. Little did she know that Renesmee would come along soon enough.
  • The car-washing scene. I love Edward in that scene and saw a little bit of Rob peeking through (only a little bit of that was the accent). He was giddy and in love. I also love the part where he leaves and then has the stare down with Billy Black--that was straight out of a Telenovela.
  • Stephenie Meyer at the restaurant counter. Made me smile.
  • As I have already said, the kitchen scene. Perfection. The only part I liked Esme in (not that she was in it that much).
  • The exchange between Charlie and Bella before Edward comes to pick her up to play baseball.
    The exchange between Edward and Charlie when he enters the room.
  • The scene before Prom with Charlie, Bella and Edward. Yeah, pretty much all of the scenes with Charlie in them are made of win.

So yeah. That's it. I'd be interested in hearing what you think if you've seen it, so feel free to comment.

Elle Bunny

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your sweet post Sissy. It was the best weekend ever!
